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Friday 21 February 2014

still unfired...

 Kiln baby was loaded over a week ago and still unfired…I need at least 10-12 hours to be here without interruptions, hmmm maybe it will happen next week as there are 2 shows I want to get to this wkd.

 Theres quite the stash of shino glazed bowls in this load which is great as I'm down to my last 3 for market.
There remains more kiln fillers in my store/holding cupboard.

Anyhoo we tried out the Flinders Street Market in town last sunday which turned out to be rather nice a little tweaking to get set up in a different skinny space but all good in the end. 
There was an empty space in between ours and the next stall so we got to spread out.

I say we Anna was sick so I womanned the stall solo but all good with loads of help from Georgia making sure everything was running ship shape!

Back to glazing and wads arama

It was so nice to get back to throwing but again there has been a massive break as the heatwave hit and weeks of just stinking hot stuff where everything dries out and puts as tall in clay processing.. anhoo rants over and back to normal programming! We'll be back to Flinders Street Market end of next month SAT 29 MAR do drop in :) and Stirling SUN 23 MAR

Saturday 1 February 2014

plumber, art head and tech buddy...

Is it january rablings or low blood sugar? Anyhoo over the past few days I've been plumber, art head, tech buddy, marketeer, my own best and worst sales person, videographer, furniture assembler, vegie patch tender, president wheeler and dealer and this evening head chef!

A quick squizzy look thru cam photos from last year….

ahhh gulgong clay push 2013

henley beach nights
pots in the park

on the Junk in Halong Bay

signing my print at gallery 1855

I don't think I would ever want to change this crazy life, other than the fact that it's hard not knowing where the next dollar will come from... I work hard at learning, deciphering, creating, making good solid design choices and being that advocate for making a job better than it can ever be…
but then tonight I see my dear friend and gracious ear bender Adriana Christianson sends a challenge on the dreaded FB to keep great art in peeps faces and give me Gordon Bennett!  I know GB... gore blimey ...and other expletives. A quite odd choice of name for an artist or fate...anyhoo some of the most mind blowing and free expressionistic works of art as I have ever seen. Comparable to his peer Basquiat this prolific aussie artist crossing the line, representing his peeps, heavily politically laden art works. I am and always will be impressed by the message and the freedom with which it is portrayed?

  • Gordon Bennett


  • Gordon Bennett is an Australian artist of Aboriginal and Anglo-Gaelic descent. Born in Monto, Queensland, and now working in Brisbane, Bennett is a significant figure in contemporary Indigenous Australian art. Wikipedia
  •  I know not a standard regular post for me but I admire this amazing work and can only hope to immerse myself occaisionally into this style of  artwork and produce something meaningful. More than function or purpose, just about senses, feeling or statement of how it is…

    Anyhoo today is way too stinking hot to venture outside much so the day has mostly been figuring out shop stuff, so I've put something in my ETSY SHOP woohoo! and am trialing the FB app easy social shop so have a nose around, let me know if I've missed something out at either location.

    The name 'EASY social shop' is slightly misleading, it did take some time and a pot of coffee to figure out the links but and totally happy it's all working so far :)