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Saturday 17 May 2014

start with the image...

Image, image, image..

The hills are alive and all that and for some reason are stuck in my subconscious and probably will continue to be my subject matter for some time. But meanwhile an interlude of little terracotta people who are bound for some saggar firing shortly. The SALA installation is coming together nicely as my fellow clubees are creating all kinds of terracotta characters.

And meanwhile the gallery has a great exhibition of ceramics at the mo and spent quite a long time on the lower floor admiring and trying to figure out a few pieces. This Ash piece of course grabbed my attention!

Last weekend Ali and I presented a print on clay workshop at Gallery 1855, it was a great day with loads of great attendees and a fun collaboration again :)

Today's pop up series of workshops commenced with the Balloon forming with Anna such a fun session and everyone took the notion and adapted their own styles. And so great to have friends drop in from across town.

And a bit of happy hour in the studio tonight, my first bash at facetting and throwing, they are ok for a first go and some kiln fillers… onward

Monday 5 May 2014

tiger boy...

This gorgeous fella left us on the wkd, he was the most loveable mischievous and totally loveable character. 18 big years of love and cuddles. There were days of the week when I was so busy and all he wanted was some fuss and love and made sure he got his way :) I will miss him hanging his paw around my neck, those wet feet after running through the rain to the back door. 

The last few weeks have been caring for him, watching him. His previous visit to the vets was pretty funny a massive wee all over everything, a little back atcha vet baby don't squeeze that bladder so much!! He had a suspected bladder tumor and a few of aged things, caring for him was a joy as much as he was a gift. 

My studio door watcher and all round gorgeous tiger boy, you will be missed...