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Monday 16 January 2017

hot chocolate marble ware...

Working with my local terracotta / red earthenware body and firing up to a toasty warm red colour! So this is the new series based on the gas fired version of Hot Chocolate wares.

The last kiln load experienced a shattered cone in the kiln sitter - see clay buddies on facebook for some excellent first hand chat on what's happened...see below

Other than than little experiment there's been some larger scale vases happening and slipping them is a fun task!! more results this week as I figure out he pin holing thing that hasn't happened before, this time I soaked the kiln for an hour, lets see if that did it!!

And very soon a new web shop will be happening... keep your eyes peeled for that!!
Ciao for now ;)


  1. Nifty marbling, Angela! Love to see a video on the process!
