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Thursday 31 July 2008

just the bottle washer

sprung cleaning...

anna just sent me this, I'd just found out 
they'd already cleaned these, oh well..... a fresh coat of paint on wednesday and good as new! 

Glaze firing today finished well early so i'm going to be restrained and not open til saturday...

these are the best crystals from our test firing we did get some stunning colour movement from the running of the glaze but Rae thinks it was over fired.. we learnt a lot about where to glaze and the techniques of this type of glazing..

Tuesday 29 July 2008

new SALA page

the new look  SALA site is up, ......our clubs new exhibition details page

Setup crew tonight was great, we moved tables, cleaned floors and setup plinths all ready for tomorrows final arrangements....thanks guys..and great cake sandy....

Monday 28 July 2008

white bouncey stuff

It was another cold one but we were prepared the michelin two extremely well layered with multiple socks and Ugg Boots!! And the weather didn't let us down at the stirling market yesterday, rain with more white bouncey stuff not the white floating stuff though!!

Lots of visitors a few customers and sold lots of my mums hand spun hand knitted woolen hats modelled here rather well by my nieces.

Unloaded the bisque firing today and started the glazing and nice one, all survived that firing..
Finish those tomorrow and on with the glaze firing and cleanup for exhibition starts tomorrow night.. Its all going to be mix and match on the teasets with 3 greens, a pinky purple, a salmon and an iron silicate glaze to mix with the decoration prob use the slip trailer for some extra detailing.

Wednesday 23 July 2008

1 week to go

my favourite stamp....

Well the kilns loaded to the brim baby with teapots and cups and mug sets..ready to bisque friday I'm now planning for, I had things steaming  today cause they're still a bit damp, another day and they should be fine...

The wed. group were doing a little crystal experimental firing today so i'll post some results soon.
heres some work from the one tree hill pottery in victoria

And also 1 week to go, we got stuck into some well needed cleaning of the studio space to get it exhibition ready, we need to do a reshuffle of tables etc as we have well filled our 'new' home with 'stuff'.. pre set up starts tuesday night & work selection will be an organic process as the pieces come in. All help gratefully received tuesday evening from 6.30 onwards..

Monday 21 July 2008

more handles

here's a few mug shots from today, they're all done now....phew just the drying out and firing should happen saturday..

Wednesday 16 July 2008

help needed!

I'm seriously wiped out today, maybe i should get a helper! I'm all a bit achey really.. anywho happy with these lot today, the handles were a bit chunky so i decided to facet them, they're a little funky its all down to the right colour choice now and i must hit the Pug Mill for a nice concoction of stains to put in the glaze..

I have a team of teapots in recycled and the creamy body and just enough cups & mugs to go around. I'm leaving the r/c stoneware till last they can go in the gas kiln.. and the cups from the wkd still need handles etc that will be fri/sat job now..thats all for now a nice curry and more work awaits..

Tuesday 15 July 2008

girl handles

sketches for tomorrows handle session, I probably will head along the lines of scroll & flat handles & carve some of the cups with loose line work & maybe some stick on is crazy again for this time of year it'll be late nights all week, I can squeeze some good studio time into tomorrow though..

Saturday 12 July 2008

cups, milk jugs and sugar bowls

and their done, I had a good 1/2 day in the studio a bit of a tidy up repacking work for market trip this month. The cups, milk jugs and sugar bowls are all thrown now, the teapots are finished there's just the drying out to watch this week to get firings through for our opening at the club on 3rd august, that should work out ok 3 working weeks. I've decide to try spray slipping these pieces from today in the body the teapots are made from to get the creamy finish instead of the white body TMK i used today and hopefully i'll get a close glaze colour response.  That the 'mudster' having a mad second in vid clip..

Thursday 10 July 2008

lyndoch's a happenin

I've just got home from the barrossa run, its windy man...I grabbed a couple of shots the gallery is looking nice smelling v. fresh... Sarah is just getting works in this week so the anticipation is growing, I met a couple of other artists catching their first glimpse of the space too, it sounds like everything is coming together nicely with the opening being August 1st, the first day of SALA.

Wednesday 9 July 2008

yada yada

A long day today more of finishing the teapots today with handles on both ends, curly lid handles and a little hand draw line work, I'll get some pics later this week also working on the mugs and cups, I hope to get on with those on friday.. Tomorrow is a trip to the new gallery in the Barossa to drop off some pieces in between work..and a shot of my fav. copper red, I can't really post without pics, just not cricket really....

These snaps are courtesy of my nieces who did a contiki tour earlier this year, the house is our old place in sedgley, we moved out to australia when I was 6, it looks the same apart from the front window, my cousin looked after them and gave them a local tour, that followed by a nice trip to europe i think they had fun!!

Friday 4 July 2008

one down

unloaded today a good bisque, so thats one down and about three more to go to get everything ready for august...

Wednesday 2 July 2008

scrounging for clay

I wish I had more time and more clay, the stocks are empty and I'm rumaging around for my fav blend. I just realized today I probably underestimated time wise for 3 shows in August, just going to squeeze it all in somehow.

Today was making the rest of teapot parts to put together on saturday, made some cups and lids and this is as close as i got to taking pics....sketches again.