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Monday, 2 June 2014

this months marathon...

the barn

it has dawned on me that keeping my journal updated more frequently would be a good thing…

so here begins this months marathon in reverse… todays studio effort of printing some tiles and trimming the end of last weeks work, some sw baking dishes with textured handles. saturdays decal and lustre workshop I'm testing some new decal paper and lazer decals. Oooh also a few small platters, they have been testing my elbow strength or lack of and a gentle reminder to break out the weights again!!

and my gorgeous nieces 30th b'day, a superhero event :) I took super nanna along, so funny she enjoyed the night out! on ya mumsie…

ok and sunday's exhibition openings the barn at aldgate and gallery 1855's reconcilliation exhibition…. we really do openings well… nowhere else do I see such a serve of food and beverages!!

well that's about it, tomorrow off to hear about Kirsten Coelho's adventures in Japan residency...

rita hall and jeff mincham

gallery 1855 reconcilliation exhibition

openings at gallery 1855

my nieces 30th bday

ang design studio

ang design studio

ang design studio

ang design studio

ang design studio

ang design studio

ang design studio

ang design studio

ang design studio

ang design studio

ang design studio end of session...