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Wednesday, 8 December 2010


Ahhh some outdoorsie fluff for ya...

I had a job up at Cuddlee Creek today in the hills and would you believe I have never been to this wildlife park?? I was greeted by a bunch of emus... not sure of the technical term for multiple emus but a bunch will do... the park has all the fluffy cuddley animals there along with some albino wallabies and lots of sheep and goats and pesky animals too..

It sure is green out there at the mo and heaps of water gushing down gorge rd, I couldn't resist a stop by the side of the road for a few pics..

I must get my head down tomorrow work to catch up on and pots to be trimmed too.. I still have a kiln load of test pots to make for the new clay body glaze test firing...get cracking ang!!!!


  1. Hi Ang - What kinda job did you do there? Looks really interesting to this native Californian to see such beasties!

  2. Wow, look at all that water, I hope it doesn't end up in the sea (probably will though) yes I was wondering what job you were doing there, are the emus looking to downsize?

  3. heheh patricia...I had a job next door but one to the park so i had to take some pics of these guys, they were right at the fence saying hi,.... hey ali there are so many trees down in the water it was really gushing on its way to kangaroo creek then out to sea i suppose.

  4. Wow great pics. Beautiful to see that powerful water.

  5. hey ron yep lots of wet stuff! thats up the gorge rd here very windy road it be! i just about get car sick everytime i drive it...

  6. Nice to see the great outdoors and all those cuddly animals! It was funny playing your rain video the other night here as we had a really slow internet, I started the download and went through to the kitchen to help Laura with some dishes, and every minute or so there would be the whooshing sound of water from the living room where the computer was. L. wondered what on earth was going on in there!! It was a case of an Adelaide downpour a bucket load at a time!

  7. hehehe background music while you do the dishes :))
