ohh tharr she be... the last colour section of table 2...
apart from a few recuts and they'll be decoed asap..
I took advantage of a cooler afternoon and headed down club after a little catchup with last years club president and sooo happy to see her recovering from surgery so well, cheers pam..
so the last large tile section got its aqua coat and left now are the recuts, i'm fairly confident i'll get those done in one session..
so the 1st bisque went well and i'd have reloaded except for the newly decoed tiles prob wouldn't have appreciated a hot kiln... maybe tomorrow..the kiln was packed solid with most of the tiles in, a few mugs, a good stash of teacups and teapots... so i suppose i'll be busy glazing and firing for the next week now, all systems go.....feeling a little 'thunderbirds are go' even,.. da da da daaa!
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