howdy all, i have been busy but more of the same so not a lot of point in boring you with the same pics of me glazing tiles and waxing tiles although my i just burnt my finger tips again in the hot wax dance is pretty funny,.... should have set up the video!!
anyhoo a regular crowd scene clubbing today...and i did get all my cups done just not all of the teapots, and some of the plates i deco'd on our print day, the tiles are still waiting bisque fire... and the weather has been so random it's like cyclone city out there right now....
we had a power cut this afternoon so i ran out of steam in the dark with all the rain and clouds above it's a little hard to see what ya doing...!
so hopefully monday i can finish the glazing...and get a cone 6 glaze through this friday..
all steam ahead with the table tiles and i bisque to go possibly 2 glaze firings ....then comes the checking tiles and cementing to the table tops all before christmas day, i think i will vid that for future never do this again!!!!
but seriously i've learned so much from the table challenge and a big break is probably deserved...but i will consider cafe table size, more like the fishy table i did that's in the garden getting pelted with rain right now....
so hope all our american friends had a great thanksgiving wkd with families etc stuffing the turkeys and themselves.. is there a vegetarian option to that feast..? ciao for now...