sub-CLAY sunday was just as adventurous as satURDAY...
the keynote address was with Akio Takamori such stunning work and quite a swift observer and responder when it came to Q&A time.. I tried to get back to the demos that I'd seen the start of early in the day to see the final results and Gerry And Dave had set up for dinner nanna style... and rounded up the day with a very swift lecture from Jackson Li..
It was good to see Fleur Schell again we saw her at the Ballarat Conference in 2005, she did a great presentation on the loaded title 'Shameless Self Promotion'
and thats where I left todays conference, totally worth it and so glad I squished it into a crazy week, lucky tomorrow is a holiday so a short sleep in perhaps and maybe a the studio awaits and pots to be slipped...yey
I have plans for a short video too with quite a bit of footage shot over the wkd .... hmmm BL theme perhaps, did he have a theme tune???