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Monday, 28 January 2008

fine & sunny

what a great day the weather was fine and the crowd was out at stirling market yesterday. i took a few snaps of new work for our stall. Rose has been busy making masks which look great on their new stands.....all up a well spent relaxing day chatting and catching up with regulars also discussing our most recent and soon to be glaze exploits...

Friday, 25 January 2008

plates and watermelon bowls

This weeks been great for making time, work has been a little quiet and allowed for studio time. So it's get and make plates promised to mum and make some more market work including watermelon bowls, cat bowls and experimental items. Also squeezed in a bisque firing yesterday. This weekend being a long weekend will enable more studio time so i hope to get started on putting my fish table together, the frame still awaits some paint but once thats on it's all systems go on the cementing down of the tiles and grouting, I haven't decided on colour of the grout yet probably a grey mid or dark.

Monday, 14 January 2008

throwing platters

this saturdays throwing efforts that turned out to be rather large platters instead of small serving bowls in traditional agate style. I usually start the year with an experimental stage running through new ideas just to loosen up the set form of previous work. I'll get back to the smaller work again but in the same agate style wedging coloured clays together and throwing them together in the case of the platters.....